
The Summit’s agenda is designed to create a common understanding and drive towards actionable goals. Towards this end, each of the Summit conversations consist of a Panel followed by a corresponding Brainstorm Session. Panels address "where we are today" and Brainstorm Sessions address "where we are going." Registrants are asked to participate in both sessions of the same conversation.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Millennium Gloucester Hotel

12:00 pm
No Host Connection Lunch, Millennium Restaurants and Bars
12:00 pm - 1:45 pm
Academic Roundtable Luncheon Hosted by NESTA
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Investor Roundtable Luncheon, hosted by UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
3:00 pm – 5:30 pm Global Agenda 2011 Millennium Gloucester Hotel, Kensington Suite
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Moderator Orientation Millennium Gloucester Hotel, Kensington Suite
Hosts Sharon Vosmek, CEO, Astia , Teresa Nelson, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Simmons College School of Management
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
7:00 pm Reception Millennium Gloucester Hotel, Conservatory
7:30 pm Keynote Cherie Blair QC in conversation with Sharon Vosmek, CEO, Astia
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Dinner & Connections  

Friday, June 10, 2011

Imperial College
Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Entrance at Imperial College Rd.

Ognisko Polish Club

7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast & Connections Imperial College, Sir Alexander Fleming Foyer
8:30 am – 9:25 am
Welcome Remarks Sharon Vosmek, CEO, Astia
Lesa Mitchell, Vice President, The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Sabrina Kiefer, Venture Coach and Business Plan Manager, Imperial College Business School
9:25 am – 9:45 am Keynote
9:45 am – 9:50 am
9:50 am – 10:40 am Panel 1: How Does Your Country/Culture of Origin Impact Entrepreneurial Behavior? Culture globally plays a big role in determining how women participate and how high growth environments are structured. What is the impact and what are the consequences?
Panel 2: View From the Top: Where are the LPs, Family Offices, and Fund of Funds? Panel 3: Myths vs. Realities of Women High Growth Entrepreneurs: If the goal is to promote women's high growth entrepreneurship across government, practice, academia and nonprofits, are we talking the same language and making the same assumptions? Panel 4: Diversity Promotes Innovation in High Growth Entrepreneurship: How is this relevant to women entrepreneurs?
10:40 am – 11:30 am Brainstorming Session 1: What are the cultural barriers for entrepreneurs that need to be addressed and what more can be done? Brainstorming Session 2: What are the current challenges for these folks - where are their investments going? Brainstorming Session 3: What are the myths; what are the realities and where is the intersection? Brainstorming Session 4: How do we convey the importance of diversity in high growth innovation?
11:30 am – 12:00 pm
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Lunch & Connections, Ognisko Polish Club
1:30 pm – 1:35 pm
1:35 pm – 2:25 pm Panel 5: The EU, the UK, and the US: What Differences Exist for Women High Growth Entrepreneurs? Across start-up, funding, networking and everything else, conditions and behaviors may vary. Panel 6: Finding Their Wings: What routes can and have women taken to become angels and venture firm partners, making early stage investments in high growth companies? Panel 7: Running a Different Race: Research indicates some different hurdles to high growth entrepreneurship for women and men. What are the reasons and what are the consequences? Panel 8: Social Entrepreneurship, Can We Own It? How does the expansive growth of for-profit and non-profit social enterprises globally impact women high growth entrepreneurs? Are there costs?
2:25 pm – 3:15 pm Brainstorm Session 5: What are the differences that need to be addressed and what more can be done? Brainstorm Session 6: What are solutions to increase women's participation in early stage investment that will allow them to invest in women high growth entrepreneurs? Brainstorm Session 7: What does it take to equalize the hurdles? Brainstorm Session 8: How can women entrepreneurs become entrepreneurs in high growth businesses?
3:15 pm – 3:45 pm
3:45 pm – 3:50 pm
3:50 pm – 4:40 pm Panel 9: What do Governments do to Help Promote Women's Participation in High Growth Entrepreneurship? What can be done and what is the scope? What policies could help? Panel 10: From Research to Riches: How do women participate in technology commercialization and how can more of this behavior be built? Panel 11: Power of Networks: What do we know about the similarities and differences regarding the building and use of networks by men and women? Panel 12: Creating a Movement: How can the idea of the need for increasing women high growth entrepreneurs be proliferated through the next generation?
4:40 pm – 5:30 pm Brainstorm Session 9: What are the "asks" to different government organizations; what are the possibilities? Brainstorm Session 10: What are the approaches to ensure women's participation in technology commercialization? Brainstorm Session 11: What can be done to address these differences in building and maintaining networks? Brainstorm Session 12: What solutions will allow for a steady creation of women entrepreneurs through generations?
5:30 pm – 5:50 pm
5:30 pm – 5:50 pm
Moderators Only: Brainstorm results collaboration for Global Agenda.
5:50 pm – 6:10 pm
Global Agenda 2012: Final Moments
6:10 pm – 6:25 pm
Closing Ceremonies

Saturday, June 11, 2011
London, UK

11:00 am- 4:00 pm
Borough Market Visit for WOIS Foodies RSVP Via Link, Meet in Millennium Lobby Saturday Morning